Myofunctional Therapists

If you snore loudly and feel tired even after a full night’s sleep, you might have sleep apnea.

Product cycle of SomnoSeal sleep apnea dental appliance, sleep apnea mouth guard

Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder (OMD) and sleep disorders are interconnected in several ways, often forming a cause-and-effect relationship. The connection between OMD and sleep disorders primarily revolves around how OMD can lead to or exacerbate sleep-related issues, particularly obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Patients seeking Myofunctional Therapy may benefit from the use of SomnoSeal to promote nasal breathing while awake and asleep.

The improper tongue posture, muscle functioning, and breathing patterns associated with OMD can contribute to or exacerbate sleep-related issues. Identifying and addressing OMD can play a vital role in improving airway function, sleep quality, and overall well-being for individuals with sleep disorders. Many patients with OMD may require CPAP or oral appliance therapy to control sleep apnea or other sleep disorders. SomnoSeal can complement these therapies and the therapies prescribed by myofunctional therapists.

What Is SomnoSeal?

SomnoSeal is an oral device designed by a sleep medicine specialist to promote nasal breathing. It is a flexible mouthpiece that can be used in conjunction with nasal or oronasal CPAP, oral appliance therapy, or as a solo device. SomnoSeal works by providing a seal between the lips and gums, helping control mouth breathing. This biocompatible silicone seal can replace uncomfortable chin straps or mouth tape, providing a more comfortable option for those experiencing negative effects of mouth-breathing.

Benefits of SomnoSeal for Patients with OMD

SomnoSeal can be a game-changer for patients with OMD and OSA or other breathing sleep disorders. For those who use CPAP therapy, SomnoSeal can allow mouth-breathing patients to switch to less invasive Nasal CPAP masks. SomnoSeal can also be used with oral appliances or on its own for patients who can breathe through their nose but need a device to curb mouth breathing at night. SomnoSeal can eliminate the need for chin straps or mouth tape for a more restful and comfortable sleeping experience. An added benefit of SomnoSeal is that it is compatible with mouth-breathing patients that have facial hair. No need to worry about your beard, mustache or goatee getting in the way, Somnoseal will keep you covered and keep your facial hair intact.

If you are a Myofunctional Therapist who wants to help their patients dealing with mouth-breathing improve their quality of sleep and overall health, consider offering SomnoSeal at your practice. SomnoSeal offers wholesale pricing for health professionals – contact us through our website or visit our HP shop HERE to learn more about becoming a SomnoSeal dealer.